Key Service Corp
Official Check

Business & Finance

Examined this site about grant for my company got the data from the client informed her i had been type of leary about this so took the clients name and phone and so i might take a look on her and that i informed her to attend don't send these details however i would like to take a look attempted to call didn't reach talk to her therefore submitted my information and received a fake check which explained to obtain a cash bunch and fax to 2 different numbers since they were in the process of changing practices didn't cash the check, printer was coming off it just didn't appear right it said official check i truly load harmful to the seniors that fall under these scams once they are on limited earnings the organization is known as important services corp 625 broadway sandiego, ca 92101 and obtain this it was sent from hillcrest post-marked la and paid out denver colorado as well as the check numbers didn't fit they're suppose to be towards the top along with the bottom you need to be safe, nor cash

Company: Key Service Corp
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
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Key servises corp
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Key Services Corp
Fake checks
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