Vanderbilt Mortgage
Are in the wrong and needs to be stopped

Business & Finance

I am a victim of these awful lenders. We have had nothing but trouble with them since day one. I have made our payments and they, (VMF) have not posted our payments and trying to foreclose on us. I have sent all kinds of proof showing these payments were made and they (VMF) still refuse to post and say that, what I have sent is not enough information. I got news for them I have sent more than I should. I have also as of today, just found that someone lied on our loan application at closing, they did not use my original loan information.

I can go on and on about these people, but I am meeting with the attorney tomorrow about all of this. Wish me luch and I wish all of you luck as well. Look at your papers, sad to say, at our closing the attorney was not even in the room to help with anything. He was still on the phone with VMF, discussing all our figures witch are stil wrong and they will not change them. I assumed all was ok, due we bought a home 6 months prior to this one and paid it off in full to them. Wow, did we get screwed.

Company: Vanderbilt Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
Address: 500 ALCOA TRAIL
Phone: 18009707250
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