Risk Management Alternative
Debt Collectors. Threatening Me for the last time

Business & Finance

This company RMA called me at work today, and literally threatened me, stating that, because they felt I wasn't taking them seriously, that they wanted to speak to the Human resources dept. To fill them in on a debt that I have with American Express.

Today being the first time that they had ever spoken with me, I stated that I could not have phone calls that weren't business related (physicians, MD offices, labs etc.) and that they could reach me at home. The caller, a Ms. Yolanda Hinton, then demanded to speak to my HR person. I naturally refused, and told her not to threaten me, at which time she stated "Don't you dare tell me what and what not to say! How's that!" At that time, I asked her name which she very sarcastically spelled out, and I also asked her supervisor's name, which she stated to be a Ms. Dot Kutler. She never did take my home phone number after I offered it for the second time, after which point I did write their number down merely to get off the phone before they were able to humiliate me at work.

When I hung up the phone my hands were shaking in anger, and I was able to go someplace where I had a little privacy. I called them back, Ms. Hinton answered the phone, and asked "Did you want to speak to my supervisor now?" At which time a man by the name of Frank got on the phone, and went on to tell me that they can call whenever and whoever they want (in regards to the HR dept), and use whatever tactics they want to secure the debt.

He also went on to tell me that I was wasting their time complaining, and that I could be giving them my checking account info by phone and have it over with. If anyone has any further info re. This company, please e-mail me. I have never been spoken to the way I was today, and don't intend to settle for it. This is the first of many E-mails, letters etc., My name will be a permanent one in all of their minds.By the way, Frank was the man I spoke to. 18005791549. X5811

Company: Risk Management Alternative
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 880Grier Drive Suite 223
Phone: 180057915495253
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