Harmony Lending Solutions
Scammed send money to get money - "I should have know better, but I had to find out... My fault, no doubt!"

Business & Finance

Harmony Lending Solutions located at 257 East Main Street Rochester New York 14604 and on the Internet at http://harmonysolutionsltd.com / takes your money and never provides legally owed funding.

Friday July 15th - I applied for personal loan from Harmony Lending Solutions. I was accepted for the amount of $10,000 and had to send off the first two months payment of $600.00 on that day. I did. Funds were NOT deposited as stated they would be. I have the contract stating all of this.

Monday July 18th - I was told I need to send an additional $630.00 to cover two more months of payment and then within two hours of doing that my $10,000.00 would be funded. Did not happen, day ended.

Tuesday July 19th, spent wasted time trying to get through Customer Service to check on the status of my loan. I was told I needed to get the insurance loan package for an additional $740.00. I stated I would NOT send this additional and last amount of $740.00 until I got in writing that following depositing this $740.00, within 2 hours I would get my $10,000.00 in loan funds. I received a promisary note that I would get my $10,000.00 in loan fund once the $740.00 was send and received. I have company of this promisary note from Harmony Lending Solutions stating this situation. I sent this last $740.00. The $10,000.00 in loan funds never came. Tuesday July 19th ended, no legally owed fund from Harmony Lending Solutions.

Wednesday July 20th, made many attempts to get through to Customer Service to talk to a real person. The few times I could talk to a real person at Harmony Lending Solutions, that person stated there was a tax fee now, but I had in writing that I was to get the loan by the end of the previous day since I sent that third and final payment of $740.00. I stated and sent several times and I have copies of sending staff at Harmony Lending Solutions that I was on TUE July 19th that I was to get the $10,000.00 in loan funds sent to me since I had paid the third and final amount of $740.00. The person or two I was only able to actually talk to said this loan tax needed to be dealt with, and said that is on Harmony Lending Solutions, again I had (and I still have in writing) promisary note from Harmony Lending Solutions stating that I was to receive the $10,000.00 in loan funds legally owed to me. Tax fee is on Harmony Lending Solutions.
I was told I would see what Harmony Lending Solutions would do. The end of the day on WED July 20th was coming and no loan funds were ever deposited. I did request that a full refund of the three down payments $600 $630 $740 3x15.50 for the fees to send the downpayments.

Harmony Lending Solutions owes me $2016.50 now and of course they are stating I can't get my refund amount of $2016.50 until after the next billing cycle at some point in Aug. I doubt I will ever get my $2,016.50 back. If I do I will report that I did.

Even still Harmony Lending Solutions requests money to get money. I know I should have know better. Had a late June car accident will repair bills and medical bills that are coming due. I lost my job in NOV did get get full-time job until June of and it was only a contracting job at significantly less per hour that I was making. Obviously my personal financials and credit score took a hit and I have been working to rebuild. With this influx of auto repairs and medical bills needed an economic boost to help me out. Though Harmony Lending Solutions was going to be it. Harmony Lending Solutions only keep asking for money to get money and when I stated I am not sending any more money, excuse after excuse, and attempt after attempt to talk to real people at Harmony Lending Solutions. You only get a person to talk to when they want your money. Otherwise when you call in to check on getting your money, you get forwarded to voicemail.

DO NOT DO business with Harmony Lending Solutions. If I lost $2016.50 to learn about sending money to get money, that is a called a growing pain. I don't want to see anyone else have to go through the absolutely awful horrible experience of trying to get legally owed loan funds and attempt to get a loan from Harmony Lending Solutions. Be aware - DO NOT APPLY FOR OR DO BUSINESS with Harmony Lending Solutions located at 257 East Main Street Rochester New
York 14604 and on the Internet at http://harmonysolutionsltd.com

Company: Harmony Lending Solutions
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Rochester
Address: 257 East Main Street Rochester New York 14604
Site: harmonysolutionsltd.com
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