Dri trend micro
Unauthorized charge to my card

Business & Finance

They created an unauthorized cost to my card. It's a card that I NEVER use and did not provide anybody authorization to utilize it. I'd a phone 161142000718 details about my program. The transaction amount is — 24692161142000718155742. I'd like a complete reimbursement utilized back again to this card. I'm calling the card organization and informing them that I'm arguing this cost additionally so that they may launch me from any late fees.

Company: Dri trend micro
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
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Dri Trend Micro Orderfind
Unauthorized charge

Trend Micro
Trend Micro charged my credit card for another year's subscription on a laptop which had crashed and was no longer being used. Try to get a hold of them to straighten this out - would be easier to rea Unauthorized Charges on Credit Card

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