Cheyenne Crow, COO & Majority Share holder of Exmovere, Inc. (incorporated in Nevada) Mclean VA
Hurben, C. Crow, Hurb Crow, Hurben crow Stock Fraud, Violations of SEC rules, conman ripping off innocent women,

Business & Finance

I am another victim of the Exmovere scam. Crow is a pathological liar who told me a sob story about his daughter being abondoned by his money hungry wife who went off to Paris after inheriting money!!! Said his daughter was living with his Swiss aunt in Geneva. Quite a good cover story as not only did this lull me (and many others like me) into trusting the guy and feeling sorry for him, but it also was a great excuse so he could juggle different women at the same time by using the "visiting daughter in Europe... Or spending time with daughter in NYC camp or North Carolina Beach or helping her with homework over Skype... Or rushing to her because she was in the hospital in Geneva...".

I believe Crow and his partner Bychkov were in this scam together because I have heard Bychkov ordering Crow to get the money and do what he has to do to get it. Also, both Bychkov and Crow lied to me about their stock public offering about to happen " by the end of this month... End of this week... By next week etc." and about the SEC rules of being "accredited investor " by saying that it was just a formality/paper work and it didnt matter. They made it sound like that was just for their protection and they didnt care that I didnt make two hundred thousand dollars every year and did not have million dollar in assets.

Crow made me take out money from my Retirement fund saying that I would have the money back plus much more in gains by the end of the IRS90 day period by when the money has to be put back into the retirement account in order to avoid penalties and taxes. Not only was that an illegal statement in contravention of SEC rules (yeah - now I have finally developed 20-20 vision and am becoming an expert in SEC rules!!! Alas a little too late perhaps!), but the 90 days is also a lie because it is 60 days. And of course when I wanted my money back at the end of the 59th day - he didnt respond and I never got my money back - the stock doesnt even trade in the market.

Bychkov told me that Crow wanted to do me a favor for my own good and that is why Crow has been pushing me to buy their stocks: according to Bychkov, he had so many relatives that had invested in Exmovere because they believed in him that Crow was feeling bad and so wanted to give his "family" a chance to invest too. He said that they had invested millions of their own money in the business and that they were offering me the chance to buy the stock while the pricing was still in their hands, as a favor. The claim was that as soon as the stock started trading (which, as we know, was any day - tomorrow - next week - but trading day was absolutely imminent!!!), the price would just go up and then I would be losing out on the gains - phone calls were even made in my presence telling people (probably no genuine person at the other end) that they should be please that they are going to be making hundreds of thousands of dollars in a matter of days.

Crow and Bychkov also told me that they had invested Exmovere money to protect it by buying two condos at the Lofts in McLean VA. Mercedes, lofts, planes, huge house being planned in McLean complete with pictures of an existing estate on line and architects blue print of the expansions!!! They also claimed to have defense contracts with the Department of Defense, the State Department and NASA. My understanding now is that these were all lies. These people are ruthless con artists and they will try to intimidate and. Threaten you with dire consequences if they figure out that you know too much. They deserve prison cells instead of Condos in McLean, NYC and Paris.

Company: Cheyenne Crow, COO & Majority Share holder of Exmovere, Inc. (incorporated in Nevada) Mclean VA
Country: USA
Address: 1600 Tysons Blvd, 8th Floor
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