Dept of Law & Investigation
David Smith, Brandon Johnson, Brandon Williams Received several calls from the same man using different names. He was very difficult to understand because of his very strong Indian or Pakistan accent. Claimed he had a complaint against us for no

Business & Finance

The men (man) claimed to be an Officer of the US Government. The caller became more irrate when I continued to question the name of his company the division etc. He said we would be in a lot of trouble if this money was not paid today.
So after a bit of help from Mr. Google we realised that this was a scam and we called back. We said we would pay this money due if they came to our office tomorrow afternoon. To which he got very annoyed and said he could only have someone meet us to pick up check outside "a" courthouse!
Then we let them know that we were on to them and that was the end of the call.
Watch out people!!!

Company: Dept of Law & Investigation
Country: USA
Address: Dept of Law & Investigation, US Government
Phone: 6822002023
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