Pivotal Payments
Prices charge review

Business & Finance

Pivotal Payments is beyond a doubt the very worst credit card processing company in the world. They will trick you into a contract that last for years and then charge you exorbitant prices far beyond what they tell you. They have a hundred tricks to charge you for things you never dreamed if. Use Pivotal payments and get totally ripped off, or use any other processor at all. If you are already stuck with these thieves, then set a timer to end of contract and get rid of them as fast as you possibly can. I have had 7 processors looking for on that is fair and reasonable and of those 7, Pivotal payments is by far the worse.

Company: Pivotal Payments
Country: USA
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Pivotal Payments
Risk Department Pivotal Payments - DD Enterprises o/a Liftlock Bed and Breakfast and Chambos German Shepherds

Withdrawn unauthorized
Cardex / Pivotal Paymentss $10,000

Worst Point of Sale Provider I've ever Experienced

Marcel Alexander
Pivotal Processing Credit Card Processing fraud

Lease Finance Group LLC
Consumer Report

National Fitness Financial Systems
Rip Off!

Pivital Payments, Montreal, Quebec

Imperial Merchant Services
Deceitful act of not disclosing the terms and conditions

National Fitness Financial Systems
Contract suxz - Pivotal Fitness, Summerville, S.C. Through National Fitness

Pivotal Payments
Unauthorized ACH Charge From Pivotal Payments