Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC
Be VERY Careful

Business & Finance

In Nov Saxon sold my mortgage to Ocwen. A few days prior to doing so, Saxon paid my school taxes, which were not due for another six weeks. Ocwen immediately decided that I was delinquent and added an escrow portion to my payment without any notification whatsoever. I never had escrow on this loan, and I made the mortgage payments as well as the tax and insurance payments. But, Ocwen bumped my payments by $500 per month.

In hindsight, I should have faought them from day one. Rather, I kept making the P&I payments as I always had. I also made all of yhe tax and insurance payments as before. It didn't matter.in Sep Ocwen foreclosed on my house. Thankfully, my local county court requires them to entertain a loan mod proposal. With the help of a local non-profit agency, we made the necessary application. Not surprisingly, Ocwen pretended it needed more documentation, which was provided at our first hearing.

Long story short, I had to engage a family member attorney to help. Two days before my second hearing Ocwen offered a proposal (which they said they offered two weeks earlier, but did NOT). The proposal was actually quite reasonable, so I naturally accepted it. First payment has been made.

But, the second hearing was two days later and the attorney for Ocwen had no idea that a settlement had been reached. Big surprise there, duh...

My advice for anyone dealing with this despicable company is:

1. If you can get an attorney, do so
2. Document EVERYTHING that you do, that they ask for and that you send them
3. If you are fortunate enough to get a settlement, continue to document EVERYTHING

I felt bad for most of the people going through this procedure. If I were not lucky enough to have a crack attorney working for me, I would be packing my stuff right now. I don't know how anybodt has a chance with this BS company unless they have a lawyer.

Even though my nightmare seems to be ending, I will not let my guard down. Every payment is going retrn receipt. Every payment will be photocopied. I will not allow this rip off company to do me again.

Company: Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Site: www.ocwen.com
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Misplacement of funds

Rip off

Refuses to acknowledge receipt of payment, wants an "extra" payment

Ocwen Loan Servicing Llc
Stealing the American Dream

Ocwen Loan Servicing
Ocwen Financial A Nightmare

Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC
Ocwen federal bank foreclosed, reinstated, now modified and loan to mature soon and balloon payment due ocwen wont budge

Ocwen Loan Services LLC
OCWEN Unethical, Untrustworthy, Trapped with them

Ocwen Federal Bank FSB, Ocwen Loan Servicing
Ripoff, wrongful use of courts, false billings, false charges, carol stream illinois

Fraud and scam

Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC
Home modification