E-net Action Card

Business & Finance

E-Net Action Card - In may of 03 these people called me
and offered me a 5000 credit card at a 3% rate for 159.00 which they took out of my account. 6 months later I received something totally different then what they offered.

I called them and told them I was misrepresented and I wanted my money back. I was supposed to recieve it with in 20 days. It's been almost 3 months. Now I can't get a hold of them. Please help stop this from happening to anyone else. I sure could use my money for I'm unemployed

Concerned victim

Company: E-net Action Card
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: PO Box 4398 Orange, Caifornia 92863-4398
Phone: 8004713023
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Enet Action Card
Enet offered $5,000 credit card but took my hard earned money!

ENET Action Card And MCFS Premium Megasaver
Ripoff They promised a credit card and sent nothing after taking $159 from me

E-net Action Card
E-net Action Card Rip-off! I payed them 159.00 for a credit card and never got it. Nationwide

E-net Action Card
Ripped me of $159.00 ripoff Nationwide

1st Enet Action
Ripoff stole my money and fled, never recieve credit card but did get info on Home Security unknown

First National Merchant Credit Card
Ripoff misrepresented the offer took my money before I recieved the pakage I was told I would have a chance to review the package before monies where taken

Enet Action Card
Ripoff crooks Internet

E-net Action Card
E-net Action Card ripoff of my hard earned money

Enet Action Card
USA Enet Action Card ripoff

E-net Action Card
Ripoff got me too Even though they told me I would get my money back Internet nationwide