Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Wells Fargo Mortgage Modification Waste of Time and Promises

Business & Finance

About 4 moths ago we started a process of Mortgage Modification with Wells Fargo.

We needed assistance after we had a first our first newborn and my wife's hours were cut to part-time from full time while she was on leave. I thought maybe we can find assistance through the Making Homes affordable program.

We send in all the paper work well fargo requested. After reviewing our paper work we did not
qualify however they said we're still under review for their Apollo Program.

When you apply for modification assistance you're supposed to have a counseling session with Making Homes Affordable Program. Wells Fargo did not notify me of this, I had to find out on my own when I talked to Making Homes Affordable Program counselor.

This is a longs and confusing process.

In the end we didn't get any help. All we got was RUNAROUNDS, EXCUSES and LIES.

These Banks got BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in Aide from Uncle Sam to help people like these and now they have turned their back on us and they're sitting with all that CASH looking pretty. And the government have not done much to help us.

The last I heard from Wells Fargo was that my paper work was not submitted on time therefor I did not qualify. They had never given me a deadline to submit my paper work. It was submitted within two weeks after talking to them on the phone.

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Eagan
Address: 1000 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 300 MAC X9999-01N
Phone: 8004161472
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Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Loan Modification