Discount Travel Leisure
Unauthorized account debt

Business & Finance

An unfamiliar Title and unkwon quantity phone arrived directly into my house telephone somebody talked to some small and stated that I had been likely to obtain $120.00 in gasoline. That there is nothing that I had a need to do since I had been currently utilizing "The Card"??? Than I noticed an unauthorized withdrawal from my bank account. I'd prefer to observe that my consideration is reembersed the moment possible

Company: Discount Travel Leisure
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Seminole
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Buyers Savings Club
Unauthorized withdrawl from account

Discount Savings Club - Discount Travel Leisure
Took $ out of my account and i never signed up

BBV Discount Books
Unauthorized charge to account

Leisure Time Travel - Leisure Time Discounts
Rip off, took money directly from my bank account I Have No Idea Who These People Are

Easy Saver - American Leisure - Hmi*jewelry 800-3511700
Easy Saver - American Leisure - Hmi

Discount Travel Leisure
Unauthorized debit charges

Discount travel leisure, discount savings club, elite pdm
Debit from credit card
Unauthorized charges

Travel Moto
Consumer Report

Leisure savings and shopsmart, connected to hydroxatone
Consumer Report