Turbo Tax Card
Green Dot Corporation This company is a TOTAL FRAUD AND SCAM

Business & Finance

On February 4th I did my income tax return with Http://www.turbotax.com. My tax return is very simple. Since I am a full-time college student and I am not currently employed I only get an education credit which came out to $1,000 dollars. I elected to receive the turbo tax card which is like a type of preloaded visa debit card. The website stated that I would receieve the card from 7-14 business days which did not happen. My refund was loaded into this card on February 18th by the IRS. I did not receive a card at all and I had to call customer support to have them issue me a new card. I finally received my card on March 1st. When I went to take out money from the ATM on March 2nd I found that I could not retrieve my money.

I called customer support and they rudely informed me that my card was on security hold and that I needed to fax a copy of my license, social security and a utility bill to them in order to move this process along. I was very uncomfortable sending this information to a nameless faceless department but I need this money so against my better judgment I sent it. I sent the documents on March 3rd and was told that it would take 1 business day for me to receive a call from the investigation department. When 1 business day came and went I called customer support again. I was then told that it would take an additional 5 business days to receive a call and that they would put an e-mail to the investigation department. I was also told that the reason for the investigation was that multiple direct deposits went into the account and this is not so.

I was also told that the hold came from the IRS itself. I proceeded to call the IRS and the customer support agent advised me that there was no such hold over my money and that I should seek legal advice. I then waited the 5 business days and when no call came I called again. They told me it would take another 5 business days. I had no choice but to wait it out again and hope for a call. No call ever came when I called again they informed me that no additional information was available at this time and that I should be more patient in waiting for my money. As of this date it has been 18 business days since I sent in those documents and a almost 2 months since the IRS sent my money to this company. Customer support has been very rude and I believe that I will never see my money.

I have no idea where to turn or what to do. I cannot afford any legal representation since I am a full-time college student and depend on support from my family. Is there anything I can do to get my money? I've tried calling everywhere and this company has outsourced to India. I did find out that the turbo tax card is being sponsored by green dot which has other re loadable cards. If anyone knows anything that I can do to get my income tax money please contact me at jc162782@yahoo.com Thanks alot.

Company: Turbo Tax Card
Country: USA
Site: myturbotaxcard.com
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