My Privacy Number
My Privacy Number make big promises and return nothing after sale is made

Business & Finance

My privacy number promised they could do all of these things that other companies couldn' there FAQs, they are very rude and quick o say if you don't like what how we operate then "don't use our services." That should have been the red flag to know that I might be dealing with unprofessional people and not to waste my time and money.

I purchased their service in September of a free CPN and free tradelines if I pay $200. For the CPN registraton. They were very informative in the beginning before the sale and eve after I sent the money. When I emailed then in December about the tradelines not being posted, they emailed me bck stating "they will post when they do." That really p'd me off. So I wait, and still no tradelines, or better yet, no information as to whether or not the CPN was even registered. I don't want to step out there and use the CPN and get caught up in something this company fraudulently did to get the number. They also said that since the tradelines are "free" an individual will have no recourse if they never post because the only service a person pays for is the CPN registration. If that's the case, then they shouldn't offer it if they can't follow through!

I hate being taken for a ride and these people are taking advantage of innocent citizens who just want to get there lives back on track after financial disaster because of the economy, or just want to improve their current credit that they worked hard to maintain. All I want is the service I paid for or a refund.

Company: My Privacy Number
Country: USA
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