The Prospecting Department
Prospecting Department, TPD, Lead Scam

Business & Finance

I have been bombarded with emails by this company from several sales associates even after I already purchased an “exclusive” list. I was already a bit hesitant of them but followed through because my company spotted the expense for me.

This was possibly the worst business decision I have made in my career.

After several phone calls over a few days time I realized it was bogus. I lost both time and money from working this list and gained nothing but a headache.

I was going to cut my losses and write this experience up as a lesson learned, but just yesterday I received another email proposing the same list, so I decided to head warning to everyone else being solicited by them.

These leads were supposed to be self reported by the consumer & scrubbed for DNC & our existing account holders. THEY WERE NOT!!!

After sending the list to my compliance department, they informed me that 30% of the list came back as already having some sort of account with us. One of them happened to be my own client whom I just obtained a month prior and who claims to have never filled out any type of mailer or spoken to any one regarding moving his account besides for myself. A majority of these individuals had no knowledge of why I was contacting them, did not have the accounts described, nor did they have an interest in speaking to anyone regarding their accounts.

They did offer me replacements upon purchase in case of any bad information I encountered, but why would I waste more of my time with leads that were incorrect the first time around?

All in all this list was just garbage, filled with disconnects, faxes, wrong numbers, and mostly lies.
I could have found better prospects by pulling public real estate and tax records for free.

I would strongly suggest doing your homework before purchasing leads from this company. There is hardly any information available about them, & they are not registered with the BBB. I have bought leads in the past, some good, some bad, and these were by far the worst!!

Company: The Prospecting Department
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Longmont
Address: 7916 Niwot Rd. Ste. 207
Phone: 9704436347
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