You've Got Money! Whether you want it or not

Business & Finance

Before you get too excited - it comes at a hefty price. Try 353.23-4562.50% interest, yes go ahead, read those numbers again, I assure you I copied them correctly from the website. I don't know for certain, but I don't think your garden variety loan shark has that many numbers in their interest amount How can that be legal? IS it legal?
I was looking into this company only because it was one of those trial pay offers, try this business, get something free from our. First off I was just trying to find out if I would qualify, as I thought my income might be a bit below the minimum (and it was). They were going to accept me anyway. Each time I tried to ask a question, the rep. Would fire back a computer generated form letter, ignoring my questions. After about the 3rd try I told her "forget it, I don't want your money". Didn't hear any more, never expected to.
But about 2 weeks later I got a payment reminder... What? First I called the bank and found out yes, they had deposited the money in my account I called the company and explained that I did not want this loan and hadn't even seen any kind of loan contract. She very rudely implied I was lying and that lots of people tried to call and say they didn't get a contract, but I could not have gotten the money without a contract. But oh yes I did! And since I had this invisible contract I had a loan to repay. Now they keep asking why I didn't immediately return the money if I didn't want the loan. I never got the impression from this very gruff employee that merely returning the $200 they had put in my account 2 weeks prior would solve the issue. Somehow, everytime I try to talk to anyone at Payday, (with the exception of ONE decent person) I am the bad bad person.
I didn't know what to the meantime I made what I thought were payments, turns out I only made interest installments. They put $200 in my account. After paying back $400, they said I still owed $300. I felt like enough was enough, everyone I talked to, including my bank said to stop paying. For money I didn't want, I had already returned it twice.
They call and call. Finally I answered by accident. They insisted on talking over me, first one person, then another, then another. They won't listen, I am the criminal and they are right of course. Somehow, I am supposedly under a contract, one I've never seen and don't fully understand, because I did not want this loan. Please, don't even think about this website, you could end up with a loan you don't want. No matter how desperate you think you are, it's not worth it. Even if you think your family is starving, find another way. This is a nightmare that won't end. Parasites won't quit until they get blood. Their phone message says they are courteous. If that's courteous, I'm a saint and I want my own day! Apparently no one told them you get more flies with honey.

Country: USA
Phone: 8005506051
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