PNC Mortgage
PNC Mortgage lied to me, yelled at me, and I lost $400

Business & Finance

Soon after I applied for a refinance mortgage at PNC bank, the national office informed me that I am in a flood zone and must have flood insurance. I then provided proof from our local government department that our house is not in a flood zone.
Soon after that "RRamirez" of PNC sent a PNC memo to Edith Wrona saying that because I provided such proof, it was OK to not require flood insurance. Edith Wrona then forwarded that memo to my local PNC mortgage agent who then forwarded it to me.
But I continued to receive generic "You must have flood insurance" form letters from PNC.
So in late January I called the PNC mortgage customer service line, and the woman there confirmed that her computer said "Flood insurance *not* required" and she said that I should just ignore the automatically generated form letters demanding flood insurance.
I then had a $500 elevation survey done by a licensed surveyor to confirm that my house is 1.3 feet above the flood level.
For 5 weeks after January 25th, I emailed Edith Wrona asking for a PNC letter confirming the PNC email that flood insurance would not be required, but she never responded to any of my emails.
Our local PNC agent said that he did not know why the national office was not responding to any of my emails.
Finally, on February 24th, I called the national PNC and asked to speak to a supervisor.
PNC national mortgage supervisor Brandi Coyner returned my call and said "Since January 25th, we have repeatedly informed you that the January 25th email was a mistake, we have repeatedly told you that that decision has been reversed, we have repeatedly apologized to you for that mistake, and you are in a flood zone no matter what the Louisville government officials and the surveyor say."
I then told her that nobody had ever informed me of any such thing, since Edith Wrona had never contacted me after January 25th, and our local PNC agent had repeatedly said that he didn't know why the PNC national office was being silent for 5 weeks. And I informed her that I am a retired church pastor who will swear on the Bible that I am telling the truth about the matter.
PNC supervisor Brandi Coyne then *angrily* *yelled* into the telephone that she had the "proof" right there in front of her that I had been repeatedly informed that the January 25th email was a "mistake" that had been reversed.
I finally got so tired of her angrily yelling lies at me that I had to hang up on her.
I have now applied for a refinance mortgage at Republic Bank for half the closing costs demanded by PNC.
I lost $400 due to the deceitful practices of PNC as I outlined above.
PNC had me pay $400 for an appraisal, so I assumed that I owned the appraisal because I paid for it.
But it turns out that the appraiser considered PNC to be his employer, so the appraisal allegedly belongs to PNC instead of belonging to me, so I am not allowed to take that appraisal to another bank.
So now at Republic I must pay another $300 for an appraisal, although I had a $400 appraisal done at PNC just 6 weeks ago.

Company: PNC Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Miamisburg
Address: 3232 Newmark Drive
Phone: 8005238654
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