Vincent Cruywagen
Reporter "Daily Voice" Reporter - Investigation for Sexual Exploation and Child Sexual Exploation

Business & Finance

Attention do not accept any job if they offer a with Montly high payment.

Company: Vincent Cruywagen
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
Phone: 0027214884217
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Carlos Otavio Saraiva De Sousa
Aluguel de Carros Investigao Criminal - Auxlio a Prostituio Infantil e Turismo Sexual Fortaleza, Other CARLOS DE SOUSA OTAVIO SARAIVA Car Rental Criminal Investigation - Assistance and Child ProstitutionSex Tourism

Dr. Steven Lazarovitz, Ottawa
Has been charged for sexual assault

CPS & DSHS of Washington State
Child Protective Services Mandated Reporter - for child care center. Reported info CPS/DSHS gave my personal account and info to Parent involved now I have retaliation and gossip a palce of employment

Cliff Merchant MD
Sexual child abuse fraud

Susannah Frame
Susannah Frame - Worst Reporter in Seattle-Has Ruined Many Lives Over a Long Period

Charles William Wilson
Is a sexual predator to boys and girls

Kristen EJ Bobbitt
Drug addicted sexual deviant hairstylist

Fry's Marketplace
Fry's Marketplace, Fry's food and Drug, Kroger Sexual Harrasment, slander, improper ethics, sexism

Sam Ritondaro
Ritondaro Funeral Home Sam Ritondaro is a sexual predator. He has had police reports filed against him for sexual assault, rape, and others. HE is dangerous

John Kendry
Pervert, liar, stalker, child molester. Cape vincent