Guarantee Online Trade USA (GOT)
Brad Cameronman, Chris They scammed me for $1,000, 00

Business & Finance

If you come across any ad that says "make $10,000.00 in 14 days with $1,000.00" or something similar, take Forrest Gump's advice, RUN!!!

I was stupid enough to get sucked into this mess because the guy who answered my inquiry was named Brad Cameronman. I got him mixed up with another honest guy named Brad. Cameronman started telling me my money is safe nothing to worry about, blah, blah blah. So I sent money a Western Union moneygram to Obed Vazquez. Then I was told by Chris (do not know last name) that I needed to send another $588.00 for a trading account fee, which he claimed he did not anything about. I knew then and there I got scammed. Needless to say, they do not give refunds of any sort. I told Chris I would report him to the appropriate authorities to which he replied, "go ahead." Boy, he is not going to geta green card with that attitude!

By all means stay away from all of these guys. The are all scammers.

Company: Guarantee Online Trade USA (GOT)
Country: USA
Address: 53 Queens Blvd
Phone: 7188795560166
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