Selling a program for $2.697 promising lifetime support not delivering what they promise people email and they never get contacted back if you do this i feel sorry for you im warning you now broomfield

Business & Finance

These guys are promising how to make money buing tax liens and deeds and promising life time support and not delivering it you try to email them and you get no response the price of the program is about 2000 dollars this place is a big rip off i warn you now

Country: USA
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RELATED COMPLAINTS Brad Eiseman Took money for diret mail but never delivered the service
Don be fooled by these people Las Vegas
Cyberdefender Watch out for these guys! They suck you in, take your credit card number, and spit you out!

Jim Rosen
Persuades people to buy his money making product promising you to make thousands of dollars in weeks. They make you sign papers so you won't get your money back ever. Van Nuys California

Mansion Comics
I also believe Mr Watkins is alive and well and this whole thing is a scam. I have been hearing the same crap for the last 18 months as well and I had just received an email that I would finally be g Defrauding Investors

Holiday Savers / Savers City
Consumer Report

Blake Mathews cash commissions
Consumer Report
Somebody recruited me to join-in this website and it sounded very promising. DollarMonste

Verizon Wireless
Ripoff Dishonest Billing and Breach of Contract

First National Card
Got to stop this company before they scam anyone else! Ripoff