John Hancock Life Insurance Company

Business & Finance

I had two long standing life insurance policies with John Hancock. At the end of I had renal cell cancer but a timely kidney stone brought it to light in time to save my life. Had that not occurred, I would have died during the first half of 2008.

In September John Hancock told me that my policies had an accelerated benefit clause. They repeatedly told me that I need only have had a life threatening illness that would have killed me within two years.

I filed a claim against the policies. They then commenced to play every delay tactic that they could. At one point, they sent a letter dated November 29 but it arrived only on December 11, for instance. Finally, they changed their tune and denied the claim, saying that I had to be currently terminally ill with a malady that would kill me within two years. They have defrauded me out of $440,000.

Company: John Hancock Life Insurance Company
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Boston
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John Hancock Insurance
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