Fraudulently took $25.00 out of my account, without cause, and can not find it in their system to reverse bartlesville

Business & Finance

They took $25.00 out of my bank account. I have never bounced a check, had a rejected check. And i rarely ever even use checks.
When the co-owner on the account called them they stated they could not see the charge. And requested we fax a statment showing the charge over to them.

After my bank did that i called them back the next day. They said they still could not see anything and it would take them 10 days to even see the status of my claim.

My bank said it would charge me $18.00 to dispute the charge.

They stole from me and are going to get away with it!

Company: Telecheck
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8006979263
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Why wait 2 weeks? Internet

Telecheck - TRS
Telecheck trying to get money the are not entitled to

TeleCheck Services, Inc
First Data TeleCheck monitoring my check writing after account was cleared! Internet

Telecheck, TRS Recovery
Telecheck is a scam - charging me for a check that cleared my bank!

Attention all Business Owners - DONT USE TELECHECK

Would not except check for $31.00 when i called my bank and had plenty to cover it

Lied, said my check bounced and took $5000 out of my bank account - and refuses to credit it back to my account

Consumer Report

Telecheck says I should be able to write check but system refuses me each time?