NCO Financial Systems Inc
Unauthorized taking of money Horsman PA

Business & Finance

I admit it i have an account with those guys. I made effort to pay it also, every month i put around 20-50 depending how much i can pay, I mean i still have other collectors which im trying to pay off.

Well, I always make payment by phone through the check. But this time when i saw my account it was a -200, turns out they made an authorized collection of the full amount. When i called to complain you can figure what the lady said to me who did this transaction.

"I'm a professional here! I've been here for more than 20 years. You ok'ed it. Plus, we we only allow a min. $50 to be paid, so you wouldnt have been allowed to pay off that amount"

It's a good thing i keep all my bank statments, and that I have access to online banking giving me all the transaction made. Now get this I asked for the recording of the conversation we made, not knowing whether they made one, since i knew it was against the law to have it done unless the person on the other line knew they were been recorded and was asked to. She responds, let me go get it then, but first i have to ask my manager if it was ok. Gone for about 3 min she comes back fustered then stating, we arent allowed access to the info.

Then and there she made the refund, but refused for the insufficient fee. Then yelled at me and threaten me that i would have to pay all my amount by the end of the day or she would be calling back demanding all the money or else. Then she hung up on me! So this is how a professional work?

I called back asking to speak with the manager, I had a different rep, he asked why. I explained the situation, but still he refused to to send me to the manager, maybe they do have caller ID there... Huh, well he said there is human error so they arent responsible for my insufficent fees. Professional huh? In the end I just gave up on it.

I looked online at this company and found a number to the investigative department, they sent me to someone who i could talk to, and from there she said i would have to send in all the information, write my claim and fax her all the information. So they are in the process of funding everything to me and the insufficient fees along with any other insufficient fees.

My advice, pay online through your bank not through them. If you have problems talk to the investigative team or someone in higher authority than those doing the nagging but "stern" phone callers. They do the trashy work for the company, but they do have to follow certain guidelines, it scares them when you ask to speak to a manager, because then it puts them on the spot.

Company: NCO Financial Systems Inc
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 507 Prudential Road
Phone: 8002202274
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