The Law Office
(is what they claim) Lawyers stateing an individual still owes money on a cash advance I believe out of New York from area code on phone

Business & Finance

I recieved on voicemail on my work phone this after noon saying I needed to contact the man back a.S.A. P reguarding legal matters. I immeditly called him back and he awnsered the phone calling it "The Law Office" he told me I still owed money on a cash advance I had recieved in 09 or 10. He proceeded to tell me I needed to pay the money owed of they were going to take legal matters and send doceuments to the court house that would take me and my employer to work. He also knew the last for of my social. I was in tears. I would also lose my job. I kept persisting to let me cal him back, finally he agreed to give me a half an hour.

I called my bank had them check records, talked with my boss to let her know what was going on (so humiliating), and then figured out that this person or persons were trying to scam me. I called him back and told him I do not owe anything and I was also going to, he said well I hope you do not care you will be fired and I told him I was calling the cops and he said do not worry about that because I would be arrested. I then get a call back from my loan officer at the bank, because I wanted her to check my credit since the guy had my social, she then told me that another co-worker had the same encounter, and so did that co-workers brother and law. I also believe my sister had this happen yesteday and they took money out of her account this morning. She will not know until her husband returns how from work...

Company: The Law Office
Country: USA
State: New York
Phone: 3478446654
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