Ocwen - Fairbanks
CBS Evening News exposing Fairbanks - Ocwen ripoff this evening, those despicable, low, and inferior pieces of human flesh

Business & Finance


CBS will expose Fairbanks Capital scandal today, November 28, Friday, in the news at 6:30 New York Time. We all know that Fairbanks Capital and Ocwen are siblings. They all operate like close families, just like the Erbey brothers (those despicable, low, and inferior pieces of human flesh).

CBS News will explain the ways of predatory lending and horrendous mortgage servicing. They will explain to the public the refined crimes of these modern rapists of the American Family. It will benefit all os us, victims, not only the poor borrowers of Fairbanks Capital. It will also alert the rest of the nation about this gang. We don't want this industry to take all American Homes.

This is Thanksgiving. We have to thank God for the bad and for the good, for everything, and for our spirit and our determination to kill Ocwen Hell, its friends, and its RICO connections or "circles within circles" as Robin brilliantly puts it.

Let's Thank God for our lives and for the opportunity to see a cleaner future. This evening, we can find consolation in that CBS expose of the Fairbanks Capital crimes.

Of course, we have to pray for that, because if any Hollywood actor who drank too much last night decides to run naked in some California street shortly before the news time, our "profound" TV journalists migh decide that's a better story to air and then pull out the predatory mortgage expose at the very last minute. Let's be optimistic and wait for those news this evening.

I'll be thinking of Ocwen and enjoying it the most.

A personal note to Hell: I hate you Ocwen. I'll never forget nor forgive what you have done to our families. I will always hate you. And it feels good and Christian to hate you, monster.

Company: Ocwen - Fairbanks
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: Ingenuity Drive
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Ocwen Federal Bank
Ripoff ocwen! Watch the fall of fairbanks capital! Guess who is next? Some action at last!

Fairbanks Capital, OCWEN
May Soon Be The Same Ripoff Company

Ocwen F.S.B
A proposal: Like Fairbanks customers have done let's e-mail & fax the networks and newspapers on the same day to ask for their help in exposing this fraud

Ocwen Federal - Fairbanks Capital
Ocwen loan transferred from Fairbanks rip-off scam dirt bags

Felony bank breaking news: watch cbs news 11/12/03 6:30pm, court hearing set for 11/24/03 in connecticut ripoff orlando

Alert! Cbs evening news friday nov. 28th may focus on mortgage fraud. Please Watch CBS Despicable, Dishonest, Depraved, Demonic Debt Demanders, Nationwide ripoff to homeowners Orlando

They have ruined my life Ripoff

Ocwen FSB
Ripoff in fradulent and deceptive practices

Ocwen FSB & Fairbanks Capital
Ripoff Sold my mortgage and I'm still being haunted by their FORBEARANCE rip-off

Ripoff! Eoxposed by CBS Evening News with Dan Rather