Household Finance Corporation
Ripoff unrequested verified $5,000.00 check sent to incorrect person address, incorrect person's credit ruined

Business & Finance

I was sent a check, in the mail, to the wrong name, wrong address but my credit was ruined.

The check was for $5,000.28.

Household's policies that caused great harm to me:

Sending a check through the mail to an old name (name used 9 years ago-changed when I remarried)

When the check was forwarded back to them because the person was not living at my address, their policy seemed to be to just change the address and re-send the check without verifying that the person they were sending the check to was living at the new address or even had that name.

After a representative from Household called me, when a payment was not forthcoming, and a fraud investigation was started; they still sent a negative credit report to the credit agencies. I had informed their representative that I did not receive or cash the check, my name had changed and the address was an address that I had never lived at.

Because of these troublesome policies and though no fault of mine:

I have negative input on my credit report.

I am now being represented as a sub-prime borrower

I am in the process of trying to obtain credit for my business and this is causing much time and trouble for me.

I spent and continue to spend several hours dealing with this mistake

I have experienced and continue to experience great distress and aggravation as a result of their policy.

Company: Household Finance Corporation
Country: USA
State: California
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