First Tranche - Brandon K Watson

Business & Finance

We were scamed out of $6,500 by Brandon K Watson with the help of Nick Castronova of Oxford Capital. Oxford Capital is a mortgage brokerage out of Webster NY. It is owned by an attorney named John Menard. Oxford capital was brokering First Tranche's services and made it sound legitimate since your money was suppose to be safe in escrow with John Menard until a commitment letter was issued. Of course the commitment letter was bogus and they run off with your money. No parties involved have made good on this and have not refuned our money. Our commmitment letter from Brandon is dated 11/2/09. It is now June. We have tried with numerous calls and emails to get our $6,500 back. We are not going to let this drop until we get our money back from one of the parties involved.

Company: First Tranche - Brandon K Watson
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoeniz
Address: 2375 East Camelback Road
Phone: 4802280564
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Bandon K Watson of First Tranche
Bandon K Watson - First Tranche - Brandon Keith Watson - Brandon Watson is up to his tricks again ripping people off with a new company called Andorra Capital Partners LLC. He had stolen a lot off peoples money with his scam of selling shelf corporations

First Tranche Financial Group
Brandon Watson Brandon Watson - First Tranche Financial Group is a BIG SCAM! Do not, do not do business with this guy!

First Tranche Financial Group LLC - Brandon K Watson
Brandon K. Watson promised shelf company with operating line of credit in 45 days... Or refund!

First Tranche Financial Group, LLC
Brandon K. Watson Brandon K. Watson from Phoenix Arizona is a Fraud that needs to be Prosecuted ASAP!

First Tranche Financial Group LLC - Brandon K Watson
Is a big scammer! Beware!

Brandon Rimes

Oxford Street Capital Jon Blackman
Oxford Street Capital - Jon Blackwell - Jon Blackman sent Jon $2000 for an apprasial back in May. He promised to close the first week of June. 5 days before closing, I could not reach Jon or anyone at Oxford

Oxford Street Capital
Jon Blackwell

Andorra Capital Partners, LLC
Doug Goldstein Represented that they sold established shelf corporations, very attentive until they received the deposit then disappeared
Consumer Report