Litton Loan Servicing
Litton is trying to suspend forbearance/stay

Business & Finance

I filed for bankruptcy and modified my mortgage. I've been making the required payments. I received a letter this week stating the automatic stay had been lifted and I must pay $15,000 to cure the default. This is shocking news to me to say the least. I placed a call to my attorney and am awaiting a call back but wanted to voice my concerns. Has anyone been successful in receiving federal assistance with this fradulent company? There are too many folks out there who are close to or have already lost their home due to non-existing/lack of clear communication from Litton.

Company: Litton Loan Servicing
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: PO Box 4387
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Fairbanks And Litton Loan

Litton loan
Litton is comiting fruad Houston

Litton Loan Servicing
Ripoff While attempting to file bankruptcy litton refused to release the pay off info

Litton Loan Servicing
Foreclosure via Deceptive Tatics!

Litton Loan Servicing
Filed bankruptcy. Litton claimed i was behind. Said was becuse of bankruptcy. My lawyer called litton. Left me alone for eight months then foreclosed on me. Called lawyer he retired lost my home

Litton Loan Servicing
Litton Loan Abusive, unethical, dishonest Litton Loan is an unprofessional organization ruining our lives

Litton Loans Services
Scum bags never will help anyone but take your money and string you along

Litton Loan Servicing / JPmorgan Chase Bank
Litton Loan Servicing, JPmorgan Chase Bank Let's band together to stop the predatory lending practices

Litton Loan Servicing LLP
Litton Misappropriated $7000 of my funds to Fraudulantly file for forclosure!

Litton Loan Servicing, LLC
Litton Loan Servicing Litton Loan is a SHADY company!