Horizan Gold credit card
I have been scammed

Business & Finance

Our name is Frances Corridor and that I applyed for this specific charge card a week ago. They required $29.00 from my First Premeir Credit Card. Today I've not noticed from their store or received my card. I'd like my money-back on my card or are you able to inform me who I have to contact. It's embarrassed that individuals make the most of us who're in a monetary hole and buying remedy. Please contact me at francesdhall2@yahoo.com, It'd be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Ms Hall

Company: Horizan Gold credit card
Country: USA
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USA Gold Credit Card
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

Horizon Gold Card

First Premeir Bank
They issued me a credit card of 250 limit n when i received it i was charged 198 fee and i only had 70 edollar credit left

Horiz0n Gold
Believed it had been likely to be considered a genuine charge card just like a credit

Horizon Gold Credit Card
Fraud and cheating!

Helps people connect with old classmates

Capital Credit
Gold Card, Rip-off, CA like others on this web site, I got ripped off

NMX Gold Stock Advisor 800-485-4350
Consumer Report

TLG Everyday Value & Chase Credit Card - Hess
Unauthorized charge of $129.99

Horizon Gold