Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit THE JOKE THAT HURT... I should have checked the consumer complaints first

Business & Finance

Well I wish that I would have looked at this web site about three hours ago. I my wife told me if it is to good to be true then it relly is. No I had to try it on my own and then she said look on the net and see if it is a fraud or real and I got a phone number not a 1-800 but a real number. I dialed the number and got a recording that said "the number you have called is not in service." So to all that get that jumpy feeling in side and start to think yes this is it no it isn't check up on it first.

Don't leap before you think because it may cost you in the long run it only costed me $43.00 this time but it has cost others much more. The words to look for is per approval, run if you see it and you know that your credit is bad run from those words. Thank you for letting me share my mistake with others.

Company: Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Country: USA
Address: 7349 NW 34TH STREET
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit. Don't get jacked! YOURS TRULEY Sandy..& thank you

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripped me off, i want my money back!

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
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Capital Choice consumer Credit
Capital CHoice sucks

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
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Capital choice consumer credit
Thanks to the complaint it just saved me $49.00 Capital Choice Consumer Credit Ripoff

Capital choice consumer credit
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Another Rip off Report

Capital choice consumer credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit rip-off

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
FOLLOW YOUR GUT FEELINGS Capital Choice Consumer Credit Ripoff