Quick cash net
Law suit

Business & Finance

I simply acquired a telephone call from a lawyer... international accent. Phone quantity is 951-708-3083. He explained I had been being prosecuted by fast money internet for not repaying financing. I never had a loan with fast money internet... And that I would need to visit courtroom tomorrow at 11 am to show that used to do have no such mortgage. I don't understand what I'm guess to complete... Visit law enforcement?

Company: Quick cash net
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Quick Cash Advance
Scam Phone Calls

Non existent loan

Fast Cash International
Fradulent call re alleged law suit by Fast Cash International san Fransisco

American Credit Services
Asking for immediate payment of a loan

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They took money and failed to tell me they I was not paying my loan off

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Fast cash is a scam don't be a victim i almost was

Awful company

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Advance Cash USA
They say i owe them $300 for a payday advance i never got