Luxman Trading Concepts
Will not refund guaranteed license fee

Business & Finance

Luxman wants you to pay by credit card, giving you the feel that you are protected by the credit card company. You are, only for 120 days, but the contract states you cannot request a refund or cancel within six months.

James Kennedy is the man supposed to contact you about a refund, if you get a guaranteed contract. He will probably not call you back, even if you leave him dozens of messages.

You can send the certified letters within the time frame specified; they will not contact you back by mail or phone or e-mail, or any way whatsoever.

If you are unfortunate enough to have done "business" with these people, your money is gone.

Company: Luxman Trading Concepts
Country: USA
State: California
City: Marina Del Rey
Address: 4712 Admiralty Way #185
Phone: 8669243617
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Luxman Trading Concepts
James Kennedy - Luxman Nevis S&P e-mini Trading Program Fraud since 2008

Luxman Trading Cocepts
Failure to refund $6000 per written agreement with my Lawyer

Luxman Trading Concepts
Worthless Guarantee & Questionable Results

Luxman Trading Concepts
Luxman, Ward Thompson, James Kennedy, Jack Lawrence Luxman is keeping my refund money and not giving me back what is legally my money. Thievery? Debauchery?

Luxman Trading Concepts
Will not honor contract, will not refund subscription fee

Luxman Trading Concepts
Luxman trading concepts are crooks of the worst kind

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Cooper trading, black box! Luxman Trading Concepts is now Cooper Trading... SAME SCAM, NEW NAME! Ventura

Luxman Trading Concepts
Failed to issue refund as promised

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Are Real Scam Artists. Will Not Pay the Guarantee The Promised in Writing