Opunui Water Co. LLC
Opunui Land and Water Co. LLC Fraudulent Investment in Bogus Water Rights

Business & Finance

All of these parties are trying to get "investors" to pony up money to help them obtain water rights (and the money from the consequent sale of this water through their supposed rights). They claim that they have legitimate native Hawaiian rights to the water in Kauula, Waikapu, Waihe'e, Waiehu and Iao Valley. They are getting investors to help them get information on how much water is being stolen from "their" lands. Once they can get this information, it will somehow "prove" how much water is being "stolen". They have no definitive legal documention or court judgement to support their claims!
If you run into these people or anyone else trying to get you to invest your hard earned dollars, DON'T, Run away! Better yet, report any and all documentation you receive from these guys to the Securities Enforcement Branch of the State of Hawaii. If you are even stupid enough to consider looking into this "investment", DO PROPER DUE DILIGENCE research before handing over any $. You can even find Nelson going on about these "water rights" on Youtube and entering "Got Wai" into the search bar.
Nelson, Steven and Doug (and there may be others) try to solicit people they run into at public areas (Starbucks, Borders, restaurants) or through friends and family and even Facebook. They have no business storefront or office, website, company phone land line or fax, or any other indicators of truly being a "legitimate business". The company address listed with the State of Hawaii is also no good as it was a rental residential home.
Many people on Maui have invested thousands of dollars with these people and have not received ANYTHING BACK from their "investment" but grief. They have not even paid vendors who have provided services to them in the past. Any company who is contacted to do business with them should get all their money upfront or don't even deal with these guys!
Both companies are listed as delinquent by the State of Hawaii for failing to file proper business documentation and Mr. Waikiki has three complaints filed with the State of Hawaii for unlicensed activity as he and none of the others have investor broker licenses.

Company: Opunui Water Co. LLC
Country: USA
State: Hawaii
City: Wailuku
Address: 16 Ohia Leo Pl. Wailuku, HI
Phone: 8084636363
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Nelson N. Waikiki, LLC
Waikiki, LLC Waikiki LLC Water Development Project Fraud

Opunui Water and Land Co. LLC
Opunui Water Co. LLC, Lahaina Partners LLC, Du Pont Investments LLC, Waikik Development Co. LLC, Nelson Waikiki Jr. And Steven Christian Du Pont Investment Scams, Ponzi Scheme

A Liquid Corporation
Hawaii Water Do not invest with this company - it's a Ponzy Scheme. John Silva has defrauded many investors and cannot account for the money

Steven Christian Dupont
Steven Christian Du Pont Ponzi Scheme, Scamming Women

A Liquid Corporation
Hawaii Water, Poor Leadership?

Global Frac, LLC
Deceptive sales pitch, claiming to have technology that does not exist to find hidden water sources, but wants all water rights

Prime Quest
Rafael atilano, rip off on the big island of hawaii we paid 8,000.00 to for a system that don't work!

Zero Water

Continue to call with automatic telemarketing They IGNORE the Do Not Call List No way to opt out from their repeated calling on their website

NWP Services Corporation
Over billing