Al Turquist - IBuzzPro
Al turnquist and ibuzzpro are scams who lies to prospects

Business & Finance

If you are reading this in researching AL Turnquist in IBuzzpro. Be warned! Do not do business with him at all. He's already been labeled on this website as a scam many times before, and I am more than happy to spread the word to stop this guy from recruiting more people.

He lies to his prospects and is only concerned about taking your money and not mentoring you.

If he tries to sell you "Mentors on a Mission" for $499, come to me and I will give you that junk for free. He's unethical and gives the home base business world a bad name.

Avoid doing business with him at all cost. I hope everyone reads this before signing up for his business opportunity.

As for the Ibuzzpro itself, I have no opinion as I have not yet used it.

Please please heed my words and don't let this scam artist lie to you and tell you he will help you make money. Once he takes your money you will never hear from him again.

Company: Al Turquist - IBuzzPro
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: St Petersburg
Address: St Petersburg, Florida
Phone: 7278674163
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Mentors On A Mission - Al Turnquist
Mentors On A Mission - Al Turnquist Predator This Guy Needs To Be Put Behind Bars!

Webinarondemand.Biz Scam Alert
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Leroy Lehr

Voice Broadcasting
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Money Masters Team
Webinarondemand.Biz Founder of these MLM BIz is a CROOK, CON MAN, Cheat, DON't Give him you CREDIT CARD INFO!
Scraper Pro, Phone Gold Miner Pro, Phone Broadcast Club, Money Masters Team, Trump Network, Leroy lehr pormotes all thess MLM co. He is a Con Man, WARNING!