Last chance cash advance - liberty discount club
Last chance cash advance i applied for a loan and i did not enroll in their discount club! They took the money out of my account and now its overdrawn and i cant pay it! This is a very dishonest scam and some somthing needs

Business & Finance

This company (if u want to call them a "company") withdrew $34.19 from my account without permission! They overdrew my account and refuse to pay for it! We are a struggling family of 5 with a new baby... Why should we pay for what they did! I was applyinf for a loan so obviously I don't have any money to begin with! This should be against the law and somthing NEESD to be done!!

Company: Last chance cash advance - liberty discount club
Country: USA
Phone: 18662682973
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Liberty Discount Club - Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service - UclipUsave
Liberty discount club i applied for a payday loan and they enrolled me in the liberty discount club when i know i checked the box that i didnt want it

Liberty Discount Club - Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service - UclipUsave
Liberty Discount Club - Last Chance Cash Advance - Grocery Club Discount Service - UclipUsave I applied for a loan online. (desperate) I did not take a loan from any one but my checking account was debited $34.19 under TELEBANC

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave
Last chance cash advance, grorcey club discount service, u clip u save liberty discount club took 34,19 from my checking acount also with a fake check with a number of 333856

Last chance cash advance-liberty discount club
Last chance cash advance - liberty discount clu

Last chance cash advance - liberty discount club
Money stealers

Liberty DiscountClub & Last Chance Cash Advance
Rip Off

Last chance cash advance - liberty discount club
Rip me off! So since when do you pay to get a loan?

Liberty Discount Club
Stole money from my bank account

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave
Liberty Discount Club illegally scammed bank account