ARC Account Recovery Corp
Harassment, refusal to consolidate, threatening to sue

Business & Finance

I was receiving funding through OSAP to attend college, but was forced to drop out mid-semester after my house burned down and i was left with nothing. Six months after the term ended, i received my notice from NSLC to start paying back the minimum monthly payments (at $400/month with no job). I did this for about 4 months without any problems, but then i was diagnosed with a serious illness and had to start receiving ODSP. I will admit i let my payments slip for 6 months without contacting NSLC, but i didn't expect what was to happen next.

I was informed that my OSAP had gone to collections and that i could apply through NSLC for a disability-approved payment system, as well as "loan forgiveness" - a grant that waives the federal (i believe) portion of your student loan based on financial need.

Soon after, the threatening calls from ARC Accounts Recovery Corp began. Every day. I told them i was disabled and unemployed, but they wouldn't take no for an answer. I found out that my loan forgiveness from NSLC had been denied because my loan had already defaulted and was in collections. I re-appealed, and was denied again. I called NSLC and asked what could be done. They told me i had to contact ARC to have my case sent back to them so they could reopen my file.

Well, do you think i could get one live person to do that? They outright refused, saying it was my problem now and they would not work with me. They kept calling and calling, harassing me for money and threatening to sue me (which is illegal). I don't even own a television, let alone have any money stashed away. I live below the poverty line. Anyways, it's been over two years, and they still call my family (whom i had to live with after i fell ill) threatening them as if they can do something about it. I refuse to contact them because they are petty, thieving and uncompassionate bastards, and until i can afford to make that minimum payment of $400 per month, anything i say or do is going to make the situation worse.

Company: ARC Account Recovery Corp
Country: USA
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