Auto Loan
Rip-off Loan

Business & Finance

I offered my car-title to be able to get yourself a mortgage. I paid each month the total amount due plus one more 11.00 each day if overdue, never spending in to the mortgage. They've a reimbursement strategy, but don't let you know if this reimbursement plan isn't adopted the mortgage WOn't be paid before whole plus additional costs are paid entirely. This is actually the greatest rip-off of the millennium. I'm expecting that everybody who got a name mortgage may record this unjust work and ideally will in exchange recover cash lost. And I understand they'll not endure because of the new regulation requlating these kinds of companies. Simply pleased I acquired my name back and wish that I'll not have to provide it-up again.

Company: Auto Loan
Country: USA
State: Georgia
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Slander King

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Texas car title and payday loans services, inc. Loan Sharks are what they are. Criminal

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I've had both a title and payday loan with them

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I got an e-mail, offering loan, I responded, they said no then yes and then they said pay to get loan

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