West Star Mortgage
Do NOT let these people handle your mortgage needs

Business & Finance

I received a mailing to my home address about how WestStar Mortgage could qualify me for a Streamline Rate Reduction - with little or not paperwork and no costs out of my pocket. The first complaint is to say that after talking with Devin Archibald he went from saying no forms to fill to a few. Well he actually had me sign 70 pages - if that is a few pages I do not know what a little means to them.
Also he was deceptive in his techniques. On Monday morning, April 12 - when asked if WestStar would have had my insurance amount increased without my knowledge he said "no way - we would have let you know up front on that if we would have requested your insurance be increased"
The second complaint occured on Friday, April 9. I received a bill from my insurance company stating my insurance was going to increase from coverage today on my dwelling of $154000 to $250000. When I asked why the insurance person said because WestStar had authorized it. WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE? He said he had the form that I signed authorizing it. I asked for that particular form I signed.
I also asked who from Weststar authorized this? He said a Pam Kenny. So I called Pam Kenney (Processor at WestStar) - left voicemail On Saturday, April 10, I received the form and examined it closely. The form was "Bowwower's Certification & Authorization" and I saw no mention of WestStar asking to increase insurance to $250K. I asked Mr. Gaitan (from Insurance Co.) to call me on Monday to show me where in the document it was written to increase my insurance. On Monday, April 12. I heard from Mr. Gaitan. He said the form is legal and that Pam Kenney from WestStar called twice on April 8 to see that the insurance was increased on my dwelling to $250K. So with signed form in hand they changed the 1st mortgagee on the policy to WestStar and increased my mortgage. Also on Monday April 12 - Mr. Archibald at WestStar confessed that it WAS WestStar policy to set the insurance limit at full loan value.
This means that Devon Archibald "lied" to me when he said earlier "no way - we would have let you know up front on that if we would have requested your insurance be increased"
This Company can NOT BE TRUSTED with your money!

Company: West Star Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Abingdon
Address: 3435 Box Hill Corp Center Drive
Phone: 8667116405
Site: weststarmortgage.com
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