Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC
NIGHTMARE Loan Service, Missing Payments, Paid Wrong Property Taxes, Communication is a joke!

Business & Finance

My nightmare began in November. My loan was transferred to Ocwen from Saxon. I have no proof whose mistake this is, but from what I'm reading I'll error on the side of Ocwen.
Ocwen shows I haven't made a payment since July - I was in forbearace with Saxon & had sent over $8K in July, over $3K in August & over $3K in September. I get a note from Ocwen saying I needed to send them well over $10K to catch up in November. I have no clue where the figure comes from? Etc. I sent a certified letter to them requesting information. All they returned was definitions of things like: Suspense Balance, Interest Reserve Balance???
OH MY - then Property Tax times comes - they pay the taxes on my home. THEN they proceed to also pay taxes on two pieces of property I own free & clear. They are increasing the payments to cover those taxes???
So I faxed ALL the proof - two separate letters 1. Taxes 2. Missing payments. First person gives me a fax number for each to go separately to. Call - no they haven't received the faxes, either one. I'm given another *general fax* number to use. Faxed again. Call again (they tell me to wait 24 to 48 hours). Oh the tax one *JUST* made it there. That has been sent to the tax office - I request a number to call tax office. Nope they receive no incoming calls... They still haven't received my payment history request fax. So... She gives me TWO more different fax numbers. Ok thank you, what is the number for that office - sorry they don't receive incoming calls...
I am informed all during this process that my home is in foreclosure; however, if I get this requested information to them, it will put a stop to the foreclosure.
I'm scared to wait, but I really don't want to lose $14K. These people are at the very least, unorganized.
Just want to save my home!!

Company: Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: P O Box 785055, Orlando, FL
Phone: 8668259265
Site: ocwen.com
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