Law Offices of Farrell & Seldin
Fixed Credit Issue in 2007 and in 2010 they are still sending me court letters

Business & Finance

I've saved all my files. I had been offered with court documents stating I owed 827.00 on the charge card money. I sent a notice declaring that I'm on Impairment and that I have a fixed income. They stated that is likely to be good we shall place it within our documents. Today this year I received courtroom characters again???

Company: Law Offices of Farrell & Seldin
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Albuquerque
Address: PO BOX 31066
Phone: 5059384343
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Farrell & Seldin
Break the law Fair Debt Collection

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Mary Jane M. Elliot, P. C attorneys at Law said they served me with court papers to appear in court for a debt owed to chase credit card. They never served me anything and I was unaware of any court dat

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Credit Collection Bad Information

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Attorneys at law What kind of attorneys do NOT follow the laws of properly serving papers to defendants?

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Farrell & Seldin
Debt Collection