American Benefit Services
Dbi, dbi inc, d. Benton & Associates, DBSC Wealth Management, ABS ponzi scheme, thief, cheat, liar, pervert

Business & Finance

David Benton, president of American Benefit SERVICES or the Absolution Center, ABS, or DBI, or David Benton Investments is nothing more than a hasbeen mortgage broker, that rips off unsuspecting people in the insurance business. He has you pay a nominal fee to get his training program and offers 24/7 assistance (try calling that number on the weekend, after 5pm or before 10am good luck). He then promises these lucrative commissions, sign all these official documents, next you have to send him business. He is basically looking for people's social security number and background information for personal gain. I don't know if its for identity theft or insurance fraud, but Stay FAR FAR away. I have contacted the BBB in South Carolina, and put in calls to State Attorney General. It won't be long before the fed's catch up with this slime ball. If you have been a victim of this vile and crude speaking thief, post your comments and let's bring him to justice before he swindles and deceives anymore people. Your gut will tell you right away, something is fishy with this guy.

Company: American Benefit Services
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Charleston
Phone: 8435686444
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