Charged for service never ordered or received

Business & Finance

I had been looking at my telephone bill (which for over annually hasbeen exactly the same quantity every month) and observed it had been roughly 10 bucks significantly more than it's actually been. After analyzing an itemized content of the bill online (AT&T), I observed the additional cost for voicemail service. Not just did I not purchase this support, but I've never actually heard about these folks before! After googling"agora options"I was surprised to locate websites of grievances returning so far as 2008. I've respected AT&T for a long time, and used to do not realize that a third party may add-on for your telephone bill without your consent. Since this fraud has been happening for years with a lot of patients I am surprised that somebody has not already accomplished anything to prevent it.

Company: Agora
Country: USA
State: Illinois
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Agora Solutions - Integretel
Ripoff false charge on telephone bill

New Agora Corporation
Unauthorized Agora Voice Messaging Service fees charge on Verizon Phone Bill Total $8.73 / Montly we have never signed up fo

Agora Voice Messaging Service/AGORA SOLUTIONS
AGORA SOLUTIONS - Voice Messaging Service Unauthorized service, spam, ripp-off, unauthorized charges

Agora Voice Messaging Service/AGORA SOLUTIONS
The Billing Resource 888-296-8079 acts as a billing agent for Agora Solutions via AT&T phone bill. Unauthorized Voicemail charges on my AT&T Phone Bill

Agora Voice/Agora Solutions/The Billing Source
Billed us for service not requested

Agora Voice Messaging Service / AGORA SOLUTIONS
On my AT&T bill added charges for messaging totaling $9.19. Never hear of them and didn't agree to any service

Fraudulent charges on my phone bill from Centureytel, for I dont' know how long. I don't even know what AGora is

Agora Solutions
Charging me on my Verizon phone bill $8.23 per month for voice messaging which I did not request ro want

Agora Solutions Voice Mail
None that I know of at this time. Billed by 3rd party for Voice Mail Service not ordered on my AT&T bill

Agora Solutions