TSP Solutions
Unfair debt collection

Business & Finance

TEASPOON Options is just a business by having an adviser called Christina Saldana. Christina Saldana may be the Notary for Bankcard Kingdom/Davidan Company. If you should be ready to really get your charge card organization to complete a chargeback of resources that Bankcard Kingdom/Edgemont Shows billed for your requirements, then TEASPOON Options actions in like a "Selection" Company" and threatening you with non payment. This essentially kills your credit account should you choosenot provide in to the risk.

Contact the Senators and Home of Reps for that state-of Illinois, and have them just why there are not many rules on these so-called company. And just why there are a lot of running out-of Illinois? Obtain a Congressional analysis happening these firms in Illinois.

Edgemont Shows is not a certified, authorized company in Illinois. The only real Edgemont Shows I really could discover is in Marshall, Tx work with a lady called Christina Anderson.

The Federal Trade Commission who investigates these kinds of company and also the cold-calls they create, are along from 2000 workers to 1000, plus they do not have enough individuals to match the reviews. These firms will work on that by remaining underneath the radar, until individuals begin to fight, like they're today, then your businesses began threatening defamation lawsuit. Deep-pockets, particularly being that they are employing another personis cash, so that as long as individuals keep getting entrapped within their "program", "call blast", "e-mail blasts", and "sure-thing" scripted communications, they'll have significantly more money to punish the folks who protest when their string is jerked. Poor Grasp, Great Puppy, makes into poor dog.

Company: TSP Solutions
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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Bankcard Empire/Edgemont Productions LLC
Edgemont Productions Bankcard's representations are "deceptive" per FTC Policy Statement

Bankcard Empire
Duping elderly

Bankcard Empire AKA Edgemont Productions

Business Recovery Services
Intimidation Tactics

Bankcard Empire
Promised income and services that I did not receive. High pressure sales. Misrepresentation of services

Bankcard Empire/Edgemont Productions LLC
Bankcard Empire Scam

Bankcard Empire
Took $10,000.00 no return as promised in 2-3 months. It's been almost 5 months

Lajobejo, LLC
Questionable Business

Edgemont Procuctions LLC, Bank Card Empire
Rips off Senior Citizens Arizona

Merchant Referral Solutions
Fraud - Company closed down