Credit Monitor Svc

Business & Finance

I was shocked and upset after seeing my credit card report which was being charged for 79.95$ by the "CIC CREDIT MONITOR SVC without my authorization. I don't know how to get the money back.

Gainesville, Florida

Company: Credit Monitor Svc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: One City Blvd West Suite 401
Phone: 8888888553
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Cic Credit Monitor Svc
CIC Credit Monitor Svc dirty ripoff liars Florida USA

Cic Credit Monitor Svc
CIC Credit Monitor Svc they charged my credit card without my consent

Cic Credit Monitor
Consumer rip-off fraud INTERNET

CIC Credit Monitor Service
CIC Credit Monitor CIC charged my credit card 79.95 for a FREE credit report consumer fraud ripoff Orange CA

C I C Credit Monitor
Rip-off St. Marys Georgia

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Ripoff, logon and get ripped off, rip off, rip off, rip off!

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CIC Credit Monitor Svc ripoff unauthorized charge to my credit card (debit card) Internet

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CDEC Credit Monitor Svc AKA CIC Credit Monitor Svc Unauthorized Credit Card Charge, ripoff Internet

CIC Credit Monitor SVC -
CIC Credit Monitor SVC ripoff Charged me $79.95 for a free credit report on my charge card without knowing about the additional charge consumer fraud ripoff

CIC Credit Monitor Services
Credit Monitor Services theft, my accout was burglarized by credit monitor services, I did not even bite on their e mail ripoff