First Consumer National Bank FCNB
Ripoff I'm getting real tired of sending them "overlimit" money on this account

Business & Finance

Every month I send in my required amount of payment on time and every time they send me out a bill. They always add on an overlimit fee which I'm am not over my limit.

There is no one that I can talk to because everything is a machine so what can I do about this problem. Just last month alone I sent in a payment of 163.00 dollars just to see if they would put an overlimit fee on my account and they did. But I'm not over my limit, and I'm getting real tired of sending them money on this account because I'm not getting anywhere with this bill.

Company: First Consumer National Bank FCNB
Country: USA
State: Oregon
Address: P.O BOX 2210
Phone: 8666910053
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