
Business & Finance

Elavon HURTS!!! Nevertheless in February I've attempted deleting this consideration for 5 weeks and each monthe nevertheless required out thed $20 cost, I named & named these were supposwed to send me a fax. NO with this I had been informed I have to call-back in 6 times to determine when they had obtained it, BULL* Itis nothing like I've the full time for THIS-THEY had a need to follow up. Lastly I acquired so angry once the 2nd and 3rd faxes DID NOT display and so I remained about the line while they delivered it and waited till it came before i allow the bad jerk-off the point... It was about the 11th of Jan I immediately delivered the fax-back then viewed my bill today plus they got another $20 out I named AGAIN and required a boss she mentioned it'd not come through before month was half around!!! So that they waited 4 extra times so that they might gather another $20 This Really Is Road theft!!! I'm informing every company I understand and people simply beginning NEVER NEVER make use of this support! I have handed it onto my Food-Service repetitions aswell who're usually establishing fresh balances Inexpensive SLimy Company Elavon you ought to be embarrassed COSTCO genuinely have you examined these men out??? PLENTY OF GRIEVANCES!!! You need to look at this!!!

Company: Elavon
Country: USA
State: Washington
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Stole 100k from my account

Company engages in fraud

Elavon / LADCO Leasing
Credit card Terminal

Elavon Merchant Services - NOVA Information Systems
Elavon murchant service charge cancellation fees, and add additional charges every year late

Fees and thievery

Elavon Merchant Services - NOVA Information Systems
Huge account termination fee

American Health Advantage
Unauthorized billing

Bank of America
Home Affordable Modification Program

Elavon Aka Nova Information Systems
First Horizon Attempted to charge $1300 for estimated liquidated damages, money they thought they would earn over the next 8 months

Elavon Merchant Services
Do not trust Elavon Merchant Services