
Business & Finance

I have had some hail damage. My insurance company "Nationwide" has no problem paying my roof claim. My problem is this... Nationwide needs to put me and Ocwen on the check... I am scared to death that if they do that that the contractor/roofer won't ever get paid because I don't think Ocwen will sign off on the check. If they don't, and he doesn't get paid, does Ocwen have any legal recourse against me in paying the roofer? Lord knows I don't want to get involved in that!!! I don't want to screw the contractor out of his money!

Does anyone out there have any suggestions or advice about this type of situation? It would be greatly appreciated.

You see another concer is this... If Ocwen won't sign the check and I don't get the roof, then Nationwide has the right to not include my roof in my insurance... And Ocwen will want to force coverage, when they would be the ones that caused the problem and I would have to pay for it...

Please help!


Company: Ocwen
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 74 Ingunity Dr
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