Ocwen Federal Bank
OCWEN & Moss Codilis - Kweku Hanson's Update ripoff, kleptomaniacs, robber barons, fraudulent ripoff business Orlando

Business & Finance

Dear Fellow Fighters Against Ocwen:

Frustration has been my middle name for the better part of the past fourteen months. As a licensed lawyer absolutely committed to seeing justice done to the thousands of Ocwen victims, over 150 of whom have entrusted my lawyers and I with their confidential financial and family information, I am absolutely sick to my stomach to see Ocwen still stealing shamelessly.

I am even more dsigusted to get emails in recent weeks from some of the folk who submitted Affidavits to the Class Action Lawyers, reporting that they have lost their homes to Ocwen. Shame! Shame! Shame! However, simply because terrorism strikes seemingly at will, should we give up the fight? No Way!

The Class Action Lawsuit is absolutely the BEST method to destroy Ocwen and its tentacles. Hundreds of victims have already complained to governmental agencies without any real result. Hundreds have individually complained to the newspapers and TV stations in their towns and cities, yet Ocwen continues to gorge itself with our monies like a python swallowing guinea pigs. Like a leech sucking blod, Ocwen spares no grandma!

Why do I think, despite all the above observations, that the Class Action Lawsuit is still the OPTIMAL solution?

Because, I am ABSOLUTELY committed to fighting Ocwen, day and night, until we win, and since I have been involved in this kind of case before, I know the tricks and tactics needed to battle all the law firms hired with your and my money to fight.

Because, my lawyers have collected and carefully secured in FIVE SECRET LOCATIONS, thousands of pages of records proving Ocwen's lawlessness, and in due course, they will expose Ocwen.

Because, the FBI is also going after Ocwen, and I cannot wait to turn on the TV one day and see all the thugs shackled and hiding their faces from the cameras.

Because, 100s of victims have joined this fight and their records and sworn statements and cancelled checks will help win the war.

Because many victims have notified their Attorneys General and federal elected officials and state banking and consumer protection officials, and slowly but surely, these politicians and bureaucrats are being pressured by public opinion to do something.

Because, Marlene, Robin, Alice, Dale, Firooz, Bob, Sandy, Julie, Bill, Amie (not the computerized autodialing harrasser from Ocwen), Steve, Carol, Debbi, James, Ben, Shirley, Diana, JoAnn, Maureen, RaeAnn, Lynn, Pearlie, Sherry, Lynda, David, Tony, Jimmy, Cynthia, Greta, Ron, Don, Jayne, Jill, Barbara, Mildred, Sylvia, Lisa, Kristi, Nancy, Gwendollyn, Reena, Jennifer, Marcia, Guy, Jan, Cathy, Shron, Suzanne, Luz, Pat, Jennice, Natalie, Peter, Mitchell, Sadie, Randy, Lola, Evan, Angela, Becky, Josue, Christine, Toni, Inez, Tammy, William, Jan, Yolanda, Sandra, Paul, Isabella, Danny, Debbie, Dominga, Mike, Doreen, Kimberly, Karen, Monica, and HUNDREDS of others are absolutely determined to destroy Ocwen's naked robbery, cost what it may, and they have ALL joined our crusade!

But most important of all, because there is a real god, who has said "enough is enough!" i have heard the cries of my oppressed peoples and i shall deliver them from bondage to ocwen.

I am a lawyer: I have been involved (with other lawyers) in fighting big businesses in court until they settled for MILLIONS of dollars to their victims. I am a FIGHTER, not a QUITTER, and despite personal threats and viruses and so forth, I am still fighting the good fight with all my might.

My lawyers have promised to file some damning documents in Court BY THE END OF THIS WEEK. Complex consumer class action lawsuits by their very nature take time, and only the Federal Judge can control the speed of this lawsuit. But no matter what, this case is going to be heard in Court in mid-October, and we will start to see tangible results by year's end.

Folk, mark your calendars, use qixo.com to book bargain travel, and start saving for the airfares and/or hotel accomodations to hartford, connecticut to come and confront the demons. No court can see the frustrated faces and let ocwen get away with making us homeless. We are all scared, but we shall bell the cat in spite of it.

Kweku Hanson

PS: Starting Spetember 1, my email address shall change. Please email me NOW if you wish to get my new email address later on, as I may not post that new email here (eat your viruses out, Ocwen)!

Hartford, Connecticut

Company: Ocwen Federal Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Address: Ingenuity Drive
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