Advanta Bank Corp
Advanta Corp. Headquarters Advanta Bank should be sued off the face of the earth! What crooks!

Business & Finance

I have fought with this company ever since I first transferred a balance from Capitol One to Advanta. Both companies were charging me for the same money because the transfer took longer than expected, I contacted both and they told me not to make a payment until the transfer was complete. Therefore the Advanta bank payment was one day late, so they shot up the interest rate to 29.9 % and refused to drop it back down even though it was their error. I never used this card, just made the payments, I could not figure out why the balance never seemed to get lower and finally realized that the interest rate was about as much as the payment that I was making. They would send out statements that normally I don't look at because I pay everything on line. I contacted them again about lowering the rate, after they closed down the accounts in May and they refused to. So, I finally last month transferred the balance on the 7th of the month, they didn't post it until the 10th, I had a $0 balance, so on the 15th they charged me $91.01 in interest and a late charge. I called them and told them that I wanted it waived, that I had it in front of me that they charged me this money on a $0 balance (meanwhile talking to someone who could barely speak english) and that they had ripped me off enough already, so today I looked, they have tacked on a $19 late charge. I asked to speak to a supervisor and of course she was not available. I threatened to sue them if I don't get some answers and his recourse was "I take $50 off, that make you happy?". I said not only no, but hell no, I do not owe your company a dime, I want it all off. Well, they refused to and that was that. They should be sued by all of the people out there that they have done this to. They are the worst credit card company that I have ever dealt with.

Company: Advanta Bank Corp
Country: USA
Address: Welsh and McKean Roads. Spring House, PA 19477-0844
Phone: 2156574000
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