Consumer REsource Services, Inc
Consumer REsource Services Rip-off to consumers a bunch of JUNK!

Business & Finance

I was told that I would be able to purchase any of many different items from this company on this credit card. I had the rep on the line for about 1 hour and he stated that if any of what he was saying was untrue I would get my money back gauranteed.

I gave my 199.00 from my banking account and recieved my catalogs about 4 days later and it was a bunch of JUNK!!! I have tried to contact them several times they are continually helping other customers and then you hold for 10 mins then it rings about 15 time then you get a very loud busy signal in your ear. I contacted the credit purchases department and was told that they are very busy and that she would give them the message.

I was also charged 99.00 for an annual fee and 3 charges of 49.99 for other fees. I can't contact these people and want my money back but don't know how to go about it.

Everything they said was a lie there is no web site to order from and all they have done is stole my money. They just rip people off and I know I couldn't afford it but did it thinking it would help out with Christmas since we have 3 small children and I can't work at this time.

Company: Consumer REsource Services, Inc
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 81 West Utah Street
Phone: 8004033743
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